Hidden gems of the music world.
Our mission is to find independent artists whose music meets the diverse needs of the film industry. We meticulously curate a catalog that evolves with trends and demands, ensuring it remains fresh and relevant. Our artists are dynamic creators with active social media, live performances, and a genuine commitment to their craft.
With a voice that haunts and heals, Tallou’s music dives into love, loss, and self-discovery—inviting you into her dreamlike world.
Evie Asio
Evie Asio's debut album, a jazz-infused narrative of struggle and self-reflection, resonates with raw emotion and musical depth, captivating listeners worldwide.
Step into Joye's world of trap-electro-pop, where haunting melodies meet pulsating beats in mesmerizing soundscapes. With each track, she invites you on an electrifying journey of mystery and allure.
When music brings films to life.
We are proud to showcase the latest films enriched by our exceptional music catalog. Our talented artists have seamlessly found their place in advertisements, video games, and fictional content, proving the transformative power of music.
We provide music for
Already have a brief in mind?
We understand that finding the right music for a film can be challenging. That's why we've created unique playlists tailored to match the typical briefs from the film industry. Our curated playlists simplify the process for music supervisors and brokers, ensuring they can effortlessly find the perfect tracks.